Typical Liberal Sweaty Sows

Over the years, I've dealt with a lot of very similar types of women... Usually in the area of Domestic Violence calls...

From some of the female attitudes that I've been presented with, if they used the same tone and attitude with their Significant Others, I really had a hard time blaming the S/O for losing his temper...Kinda like my first Ex-Wife evolved into...I just walked away instead of reacting...
Well most of them are ugly enough no one would want to have sex with them, I don't know why the [beeep] they're worried abortions or birth control pills.

As for the few that are almost tolerable in the looks department, a long standing bit of wisdom comes to play... Beauty is only skin deep!

The fact that they would push this view in protest proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that they are shallow simple minded individuals. On top of being U-gly.
i see alot of "Mulato's" in the forseeable future
I'm in favor of birth control for these women. In fact, I'll pay for it. Sterilization shots for all of them....as long as it's PERMANENT ! Those genes are definitely clouding up the gene pool.
Chlorine is indeed called for..WOW... I have heard sea shanties about seahags and ugly mermaids while I was in the Navy, but I thought they were just jokes and funny tunes! People, they are REAL!! There's pictures of em and everything!!
From what I've seen over the years the feminists are more interested in each other.They could not care less about making a baby.