They Speak For All Of Us


New member
Well maybe that should say "all of us except for a couple that prefer their head in the sand." Shame on zero for banning free speech.

The federal government is now petitioning to have these signs removed or Washington state will be denied additional monies for interstate highways.

The State of Washington replied, they will secede from the Union rather than be intimidated. These are a matter of free speech paid for by a private citizen.

It seems the Obama government uses intimidation and ignores the first amendment when they want to silence someone.

Northbound on I-5 near Chehalis , WA (88 miles south of Seattle )

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I think they should be displayed, like the old Burma Shave signs, along every highway....Wish I had the money to make it happen...
On the News today,the first time I had seen it,some of the commentators were saying Obama would have a hard time winning this time. Hope he has such a hard time he does not win even one state.Wouldn't that be grand.
I'm lazy but this whole silly story needs to be fact checked. Why do the signs try to make the President look like a black Jimmy Carter with big ears. It isn't even recognizable as Obama.
I'll bet everyone recognizes who is on the sign. I drive by there regularly and I'm always anticipating what will be on that sign. That guy has a set. I've never seen that sign vandalized. It's a big billboard type sign and you can't miss it. It has been there for years and regularly updated with new jabs at the Government, hope his heirs carry on the tradition.
H B71 I miss a lot but even I have seen all the cartoons with the big ears.All the political cartoons in the paper have always drawn him with big ears.I think it's cause he's got big sticking out ears.
Originally Posted By: tnshootist H B71 I miss a lot but even I have seen all the cartoons with the big ears.All the political cartoons in the paper have always drawn him with big ears.I think it's cause he's got big sticking out ears.

That was funny...I guess his ears do stick out
Yesiree, zero, the great uniter. The main point to this story is the fact that this jack booted thug wants to do away with most of our rights. His so called executive orders are nothing more than end runs around Congress, the proper authority. The gall of this thug to now try to infringe on the right to free speech. These are private billboards, not state sponsored, yet he wants the state to enforce his gag orders or give up funding. Yes HB, this is the same thug who you are certain will not try to take our guns, just tell us whether or not we can express ourselves. Now please go and put your head back in it's normal place.
wow...anger management! I would guess the whole story is another internet hoax like the dozens that have been posted here before. The man is a tireless champion of freedom and an excellent example of selfless leadership.
Originally Posted By: HunterBear71wow...anger management! I would guess the whole story is another internet hoax like the dozens that have been posted here before. The man is a tireless champion of freedom and an excellent example of selfless leadership.
. just once,for a VERY brief moment,i would like to be able to be able to have the ability to have a brain like yours and Rimmys. i can't imagine what it must be like in there??
I was married to a woman who had a brain like HB and RIMMYs. She tried everything you could think of to see it her way politically. I did the same with her. Then she figured out my vote would cancel hers out and attempted to convince me that neither of us vote, then, make a bee line to the voting booth. That didn't work either.

POINT: Everybody needs to get out there and vote, or, we could be buried by those who don't get it. Vote, vote and vote some more. Get in your friends and neighbors faces and make sure they vote.

You will know when we are successful by the wailing and gnashing of teeth and accusations of voter fraud country wide!!!
"The man is a tireless champion of freedom and an excellent example of selfless leadership." HB,do you beleave he has a big red S on his chest?
Originally Posted By: borkonOriginally Posted By: HunterBear71wow...anger management! I would guess the whole story is another internet hoax like the dozens that have been posted here before. The man is a tireless champion of freedom and an excellent example of selfless leadership.
. just once,for a VERY brief moment,i would like to be able to be able to have the ability to have a brain like yours and Rimmys. i can't imagine what it must be like in there??

Actually, it's pretty easy to imagine borkon. Imagine this great, vast wasteland that is utterly vacant, and once in a great while a small shadow passes by on the ground. That shadow represents that highly unusual rational thought that somehow slips in. An analogy for properly functioning gray matter would be similar in size to a BB in a boxcar.
Originally Posted By: HunterBear71 The man is a tireless champion of freedom and an excellent example of selfless leadership.

HB, that is either the funniest thing you have ever posted, or the stupidest. i really hope you were trying for funny.