Black Panthers: Time To Shed Some Blood

It is so hard to walk that fine line anymore. Blacks can say pretty much what they want about other races and no one challanges them. But should a white person say anything even slightly disparaging about anyone of color- even it is is the truth- and they are branded as racist.

Just when did telling the truth become "hate speech"? Anyone know?
Not directed at you Rocky.

The comments in question were removed from this thread earlier this morning.

Trust me... They were not comments that belonged here on Predator Masters.
Originally Posted By: RustydustIt is so hard to walk that fine line anymore. Blacks can say pretty much what they want about other races and no one challanges them. But should a white person say anything even slightly disparaging about anyone of color- even it is is the truth- and they are branded as racist.

Just when did telling the truth become "hate speech"? Anyone know?

If the pinheads within the Black Panther Party want to make these types of comments, then posting the story on Predator Masters is all fine and well.

When a member of our board makes racial comments and suggests violence, then those sorts of posts will be removed.

What everyone does in their own kitchens is their business; however, if it is brought here onto Predator Masters, it will be moderated accordingly.
I wonder if the N word is offensive,which I think it is and has never been used in my house when I had kids here.In the 60s and before it was pretty common everywhere.Then why is the H word or C word or W word not accorded the same disrespect? I know because someone else does wrong that does not mean I should follow suite.It just seems so open that some are disrespecting to try to provoke a response then if they get the response they are after it is just cause for whatever follows,be it a beating or whatever.If you turn that situation around it is a hate crime and carries a long prison stay.people,in my opinion,had better start paying attention to what laws we are making and such.if my Great,Great Grandfather owes a debt to your Great,Great,Grandfather,is that debt something that lasts forever and can never be paid?If I had the money I have paid in taxes for programs to help pay that debt,than I could send my Grandson to school.
I have said it before,I will stand with any Black American against the White Supremisist,as I hope they will stand with me against the Black Panthers.
There are many Vets on here that have shed blood and tears with men of other races in the heat of battle,and have forged lasting brotherhoods with each other.
I know that the press will of course take the side of the Panthers,but we must meet all men with respect that will meet us half way. The ones that wont,never will,White or Black.
Ahhh.... That's cool Jeff, thread wasn't making sense as I really didn't see anything racist having been said. Wasn't thinking about the power to delete the ugly.

Originally Posted By: tnshootistI remember white only restrooms,water fountains lunch rooms and such.As a boy I thought then it was odd that white men would eat in a diner with black cooks but would not eat at a table in the same room.I walked down the street and tried to start a conversation with an old black man that was sharpening knives on the sidewalk in his little stand and he said he was not supposed to be talking to me.I said why?I liked to trade knives as a little boy,my Grandpa started me doing that at the stock pen in the early 60s.He said it was cause I was a white boy.Hurt my feelings,I did not understand that for a while.Some awful things happened in the next few years after that.Some good came out of it though.I did not know then that there was any difference in us because of skin,I was not taught that there was.Its only in the last few years that I have begun to question things.All men had my full support till I became discriminated against because was white.I was one of the ones that thought separate but equal was BS and in a small way helped in the demise of that way of life.Now the pendulum has swung to far.The black men and women that really knew what wrong was are gone in the most part.These young loud mouths don't know what they are talking about.They are about to undo a lifetime of work of both Black and White Grandfathers and Fathers.

You make an excellent point there shootist. When I was but a wee lad, my grandpa ran a little feedstore in Jacksonville, FL. He had an old black guy that worked for him, and his wife would stop by the store every day and bring him lunch. Black guy ran the shoe repair store next door with one of those old machines that used to shake the whole building when fired up, to polish and buff shoes. Those folks were family, Andrew, RosaLee, and Prince were some of the coolest old folks I ever did know. They always had time for Henry's grand younguns, and they'd sit there and visit with you like you was somebody. I used to spend hours watching Prince fix shoes, and he'd carry on a conversation with a youngun like he'd known you all his life, while he polished those shoes up. I don't know how many hours I spent watching him fix shoes and talking his ear off, but he was always tolerant of me and laughed about me visiting everytime Grandpa came to retrieve me, almost like he had really enjoyed the company. I had a real tough time understanding the race wars as a kid, because those old black folk were so much a part of my life in my younger years.
I have commented quite a lot about my feelings about the Black Panthers and such,and thank the forum for a place to say things like this and to get to see the response so I am able learn if my thinking seems strange to others.
I think I should also say that the skinhead element should find someone to read to them some of the history behind their claimed beliefs.I can't see how anyone could agree with all they say if they know any of the history of that period in time.Hitler was a man who could be trusted by no one.He betrayed everyone he ever did business with,he was a small man,with a very narrow view.He did however have one talent and that was to lie with such passion that otherwise good people would follow him.I would like to be able to give the skinheads the opportunity to be used by him as were thousands of easily swayed lost desperate people and reap the reward that brought to his original believers.
Originally Posted By: RustydustIt is so hard to walk that fine line anymore. Blacks can say pretty much what they want about other races and no one challanges them. But should a white person say anything even slightly disparaging about anyone of color- even it is is the truth- and they are branded as racist.

Just when did telling the truth become "hate speech"? Anyone know?

Race needs to be taken out of the equation and it needs to be a fair trial. The media has blown the whole incident out of proportion and the black and white supreme groups are trying to take advantage. The media is throwing gas on a bon fire that needs no help. I'm sure atleast 10 white, asian, and hispanic youths have died in the time it took for this to transpire and though they aren't as "juicy" to the news media, they are also unfortunate. How many black on black incidents have gone unreported in the 40 some days the media has sat over this incident like a flock of buzzards? The justice system needs a fair chance to do its job and the numerous media outlets are manning the guillotine before it has a chance. America is becoming segregated once again