NEW Shotgun Pattern Test Results - Detail & Pic' heavy...

Picked up some Rem Hevi-Shot (not HD) B-shot cheap and thought I'd give it a try. Any using out of a Mossberg 835 w/24" bbl. I'm looking for a choke starting point.

If it don't work out, I can always give it to my buddy for ducks/geese.

Thanks !!!
And worse, that load has been discontinued by Remington. I have a big stash of those HD-BB's so I'm good for awhile. However if it were me setting out to find a really great load right now I'd give the Federal Heavyweight Coyote Load of tungsten BB's using the Flite Control wad a real hard look. Don't use a ported or wad stripping choke. That Federal load has the potential to be something really special.
I just ordered a bunch of different stuff. Another box of Fed Copper BB's, Some of the Rem 2-3/4 HD BB's, Win Extended B, and a few varieties of #4 Buck. Just picked up a Stoeger 2000 with 24" barrel. Not looking forward to patterning again but it's gotta be better than the Mossy 535.
Woow awsome thread guys GC thanks for getting a great topic started.
Thanks everyone for all the great input and awsome pics of all the great load-choke patterns.
I went and patterned my Browning BPS with factory mod. choke about two months ago and it is shotting a foot high and left 6" at 40 yards with 3" dc t and 3" #4 buck Federal and rem both.
Oh i shot left handed if that tells you anything.
I was shotting at a 20" circle and got get hits even with point of aim being off.
When the weather slacks up some ill do a better pattern test with pics.
Again awsome thread and great work guys.
have skimmed through this thread today...i shoot a mossberg 835 with an extra full choke and today at 50yds i got 34 bb s in a ten inch target today. with 12 of them being within a six inch circle of the bullseye. using winchester 3 1/2" high velocity 2oz #4 turkey shells. choke is the factory mossberg out of the set that came with the gun. i dont have a mic to measure the id of the choke. sorry
GC I was wondering when you pattern at 13 yards would a lead load of say 4 buck show POI vs POA about the same as dead coyote. The dead coyote is getting more expensive and any thing I can get done with lead I would rather use it. I am considering getting a Super Nova so your Benelli info has proved interesting for me. I have a Stooger 2000 that I use now and it shoots all over depending on what you put through it. Even different brands of 4 buck shoot different. I had to go to a speed bead to use it. I sight in for one brand of shell and just stay with that. Right now I am using Dead Coyote as that has patterned the best and seams to have the most energy left at longer range. Longer range being 55 yards. I agree 70 yards is a rifle shot.
I screw in a full choke and shoot a field load or trap load at 13 yards to give me an idea of point of impact vs. point of aim. It works really well too. If the gun shoots in line left/right and no higher than 2" it is probably going to pattern pretty well to point of aim at 40 yards. If it is off to the side or much more than 2" high you are probably looking at trouble at longer ranges. You can make stock shim adjustments or sight adjustments here with inexpensive shells and be really close to where you need to be when patterning the high dollar shells at longer ranges. There is no need to use the expensive shells at 13 yards, save them for the longer range pattern testing. It is surprising how far off some guns can be even at that close range. The worst I've ever seen was my son's new Winchester SX3. It was 8" - 10" high and about four inches left at 13 yards. That worked out to about 30" high and 16" - 18" left at 40 yards. Since it had some serious jamming issues he swapped it back to the dealer and bought a new Benelli Vinci. That shoots a beautiful 60/40 pattern right on the bead.
Thanks for the reply. Thats good to hear. With dead coyote at $45 for ten at Cabelas now I didn't want to have to use that if I could help it. I have heard lots of good things about the Benelli guns one being they usually end up with the poi being the same as poa. The Stoeger I have shoots everything a little different but so I dont know if I could use lead close on that one but I will try next time I go out to see how it patterns close. At a distance it patterns the bird shot different than the buckshot. I think this one is possessed. It will only misfire with a live target such as a coyote or fox in front of it.
Originally Posted By: Rich CronkUnloaded,
Try these folks

Thanks for the tip Rich!

I just ordered all the HD 3" 2's and HD 3" T shot they had.


Here is the pattern picture of Rem 3" HD 2's. I was very impressed with this pattern and the HD 2's out penetrated the Copper coated lead BBs by quite a bit.

I have only shot a few coyotes with the HD #2's and they worked great.
Originally Posted By: derbyacresbob
Rich Cronk said:
Try these folks

Thanks for the tip Rich!

I just ordered all the HD 3" 2's and HD 3" T shot they had.


Here is the pattern picture of Rem 3" HD 2's. I was very impressed with this pattern and the HD 2's out penetrated the Copper coated lead BBs by quite a bit.
Looks like you are ready to roll my friend. Call em in close.
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Have you had any luck getting good patterns with the HD-T's? I never did get that load to pattern worth a darn. Dead Coyote T's I can get decent patterns with, but not those from Remington. On the other hand, the Remington HD-BB's always patterned beautifully.
GC, I don't remember if I patterned the Rem HD T shot Predator loads. I will try a few through my Carlson's DC choke and my Imp/Mod Sporting Clays choke.

The Rem HD T shot Predator load has been a great coyote load for me while using the Imp/Mod choke in my Rem 11/87.
I had one target that shot that well. It seemed to be a fluke and I could never get that same performance again.