Break away snares?


New member
Who makes the best break-aways?

Is there a way to make them at home? In Utah they have to be able to break at 300 lbs. Also does anyone use stops to reduce mortality rates?

the snare shop or makes break-a-way snares, I make my own, I get breakaway S hooks from (sp) the work great. hope this helps you out.
Depends on your snare lock also. Some locks (cam and slim) work great with the s-hooks...some do better with J hooks (micro locks). Snare shop can help you out.
I got some break aways locally and put out 15 snares. I also put deer stops on them, I really do not want to catch a deer.

I checked them today, nothing, my 5 duke DPs have done NOTHING!, they have been out for 10 days of so. I did catch a large boar coon in a tomahawk cage trap two nights ago.

I have four leg holds out.

Man I suck as a trapper. I thought it was going to be so easy, I have already spent the money I thought I was to get at the fur auction in February. Not good.

It looks so easy on YouTube! Lol
if it was easy everyone would be doin it
the first year I tried to snare a coyote, it took almost all season to get my first one. if it makes you feel better, I got my first yote of the season today, seasons been in here since Nov 10th. keep at it, it will come to ya
order them from O'Gorman, in his catalog he lists which ones are best for 5' or 10' snares, if you use a choke spring, you need lighter one than regular snare, he tells which one for that too.