Need help diagnsing my dog


New member
So here are the symptoms... Keep in mind the dog is still eating and playing, but I am wondering if I should take him in to the vet.

Red eyes
More than average eye boogers
20 - 30 small bumps on his skin

I pulled a tick off of him this evening that looked like it had been in him for a couple of days. I am not sure if it is allergies or if he is having a reaction to the tick bite.

Does anything ring a bell to any of you?
Have you hunted the dog in thick brush recently? Are the bumps like little white head zits on their belly?

The bumps are below the skin and really don't have any coloring to them other than maybe slightly red. They are not heavily in one specific spot on his body, just random all over.

He ran in heavy brush last weekend, and that is when he would have gotten the tick as well. I am not sure if it is an allergy or a reaction to the tick bite. The bloodshot eyes and lots of eye boogers are more worrysome to me than the bumps on his skin, but I really don't know what it is.
I think allergic reaction to "something????"
What has been diff in the last few days, ie; feed, bedding, did he have a bath with soap, swim in a tasty tank, so on and so forth.....
A dose of "Benedryl" would be a good idea, if nothing else it will make him feel better.
Jessie and Duane:
I washed his bed with laundry detergent because he decided to throw up all over it the other night.
I also washed him with a different soap the same day because he decided to roll in some hog turds the same day.

I didn't think soap or bedding could make his eyes red and produce so many eye boogers... so I am going to take the bedding away, give him a double shot of Benadryl and see how he progresses. I have never had a dog with allergies before, so I don't know what it looks like. Thanks for the advice.
He is doing better, and I think he is in the clear. He got to the point where his eyes were almost pussed shut. His energy level never dipped too much, but I could tell he was miserable.

I think it must have been the soap I washed him with. Unfortunately with a 5 month old in the house, I have to give him more baths than I know is good for him this time of year. I appreciate the suggestions as I never even considered the bedding or allergy from soap.
What type of soap are you using?
I have a dog with allergies, and also gets bad dandruff, she gets baths with dial hand soap. Its antibacterial and has no artificial scents. Give it a try, may help with the allergies in the future.

Also next time try to keep his eyes clean. Wipe the puss out before it gets crusty, it will be alot more comfortable for him. You can use a warm washcloth but I like to use folded up dry paper towel. Start by the nose and while out towards his ears. Just don't poke his eyes!