Colorado Hillbilly Freeze Branding

This is what it looks like next day...

This is what it looks like about a week after...

This is what it looks like after a year...
And that is how I know it doesn't hurt. Well at least when you are branding. When it is all scabbed up it hurt like the Devil is chewing on your
On plan on wearin the same brand as my dogs and can't decide between freeze and hot brand. I heard freeze doesn't scar as good but your son has a good scar. How long did you hold it on his arm??
I put my brand on my back, but I pus'ed out, and had it tattooed on rather than burned on! But mine is a cattle brand, and is about 6 in long, and 4 inches tall.
How many "Colorado Hillbillies" does it take to brand a few dogs??????????? HAHAHAH!!!!!
Devin, thanks for taking the time posting all that.