that witch does not kill us makes us stronger

I know that this is just the women's prospective.... But here it goes. I personally think the guy who wrote that is a real jerk. Not cause he was saying that the people who sat frozen with fear weren't men. That's his personal opinion. But because he is suggesting that if he were there that he would have acted. I don't think you ever truly know what you're going to do until it happens. I hope that if it were me, I would have the guts to stand up and do what is right. The thing that really bothers me about that whole letter was that it tore everyone into two sides. What kind of unity is that? I think, more than anything, we need to focus right now on who's really to blame for this terrible tragedy! The terriost themselves! Not the poor, innocent bystanders who were too afraid to act. Some people are doers, others are actiontakers. God watches over both just the same. Take care guys!
You ALMOST got it right, Raven. It's "Some people are givers, and the rest are takers". It's really just that simple.
No one can answer for his courage when he has never been in danger.
-La Rochefoucald

I had similar thoughts to those expressed in the email above when I heard that they did all this with razor blades embedded in pieces of plastic. Even my pacifist brother-in-law had the same thoughts.

I would hope that in a similar situation, I would have done the same thing the guys on the PA flight did. However, as the above quote says, you can never be sure how you'll react until you're faced with the situation in person.

I think the best we can do is say to ourselves, right now, "If I'm ever in a similar situation, I will not cower and plead. I will take action without regard to my own well-being, for the good of others." It's better to die an honorable death than to die a coward, begging for your life. Mental preparation before the fact is essential, I believe, to proper action when the pressure is on.

The people on the PA plane were aware of the other planes having been flown in to the WTC. They were aware of their planned fate and acted accordingly - like we all would like to think we would do in a simular situation.

For a fact the people on the first WTC plane did not know their fate, probably the same for the 2nd and the Pentagon plane.
They were probably thinking that the worst they were going to have to endure was a hostage situation, the potential heros amoung them may have even been thinking that there may be a better time to attack - like when the plane was sitting on the ground.

We may never know.

I've travelled all over this country and the people are pretty much the same, wherever you go - once you take the time to scratch through the "localized" surface.

That includes the surfaces of the obnoxious Easterner and the Texas bravado.

I agree with you, and I'll bet we will never sit back again and think that everything will be alright, if we just do what they tell us to do.

remember, act swiftly while there is confusion, especially when they are trying to take over. Don't try to hurt them or take them prisoner. STOP them, kill them, make sure they can't return the favor.

Everybody needs to become a soldier now, in Israel everybody is, and terrorists no longer try to take hostages, or hijack their planes.
The hi-jackers of the Pa. aircraft were armed not only with knives but with a red box they claimed was a bomb. They stabbed an attendant to death to demonstate their willingness to kill and threatened to blow-up the plane if anyone resisted. I have trained in martial arts for 42 years, an instructor of American Kenpo for 23 years. I'm 58 years old and train 1 1/2 hours a day 6 days a week, and unless someone trains 2 hours a day they really need to stay out of my face. I have absolutely no doubt that had I been on any of the first 3 flights that I would have sat quietly in my seat looking at the women and children on the flight and thinking about the bomb. I have to wonder how many heroes sat quietly in their seats exercising restraint for the safety of their fellow passengers hoping for a safe solution to the crisis. Terrorists never deprive a hostage of hope because they know and understand that most men, in a hopeless situation with death a certainty, would choose to die on their feet, a warrior, rather than on their knees, a victim. Hope and concern for the safety of those around them most certainly influenced the choices those people made. Even the "Heroes" on the Pa. flight aware of the other planes crashing into the WTC and Pentagon and certain that the same fate awaited them still had to take a vote to resist. Judging the actions of the victims from the warmth and safety of your home, free from the effects of fear and adrenline on your decision is patently unfair. As one of my old instructors was fond of saying " Everyone looks good until they get hit."


Rich Higgins
Very well stated Rich. I guess my only point is much like the story of the two bulls on the hill overlooking the cows. "Running" down the hill and "getting" ONE of them does nothing but tire the poor bulls out. "Walking" down and getting EVERYONE of them is what we want. Lets not go off half cocked and screw this thing up. We just need to catch our breaths, figure it out and then attack. It is a fool who jumps in the water without first checking the temparature and the depth. God Bless America!

[This message has been edited by Jeff Mock (edited 09-14-2001).]