"cannibals and useful idiots"


New member
a good read and it happens very often

this was written bye a good freind of mine named john wasmuth a few years ago

Cannibals and Useful Idiots

The following is real, and it’s here now.

Joe Hunter goes to a cocktail party; nothing fancy, just a holiday gathering in Anytown, USA. A conversation begins with Bob Peta, it goes something like this:

Bob Peta: Say Joe, didn’t you go deer hunting this year?
Joe Hunter: Sure did Bob.
Bob: Man, that’s great, did you get one?
Joe: Yep, I sure did, a nice six pointer.
Bob: Hey, that’s great. Say listen Joe, you’re a true hunter, a “real” hunter are you not?
Joe: I sure am.
Bob: Say, I hear tell of a kind of hunting where people can go kill animals in fenced areas. You’ve never done that, have you?
Joe: No, no I haven’t.
Bob: Well, I wouldn’t call that real hunting, would you Joe?
Joe: Well, that’s not the way I hunt.
Bob: I know Joe, but there are people who hunt in fenced areas. I don’t think that’s really hunting, do you Joe?
Joe: well, uh, I guess not.
Bob: Great. Say, listen Joe, a group of us concerned “real” hunters are trying to get that method of hunting done away with. We feel it is unethical, will you help us?
Joe: Sure, because that is not the way I hunt, and I’m a real hunter.
Bob: Thanks Joe. Here is what we need you to do. As a real hunter the big boys in Congress and the Senate will listen to you. They know that any “real” hunter only hunts the way you do, and that’s the only real hunting there is. What we need you to do is get out there and get petitions signed, people will sign them because you are a real hunter, and they know that only your way of hunting is the “real” way.

So Joe diligently goes after the goal, to ban, and outlaw any kind of hunting that Bob suggest is not real hunting. He gathers up signatures, petitions courts, and makes meetings. He is really cleaning up this unethical way of hunting, he’s got a lot of support. He is gathering “real” hunters from all over, and finally, after much hard work, they get a legal way of hunting banned.

Bob: Joe, you did great and we sure appreciate your hard work, but let me tell you what I heard. There is another type of hunting that we think is not right. Could you help us again?
Joe: Well I guess so Bob. I don’t hunt like that, so it’s not real hunting anyway. How can I help?

It’s the same old story. It’s odd how Bob Peta keeps adding to the list of what “real” hunting is. However, Joe goes at it hard and heavy, and in the end, he helps get that type of hunting banned. Bob and his friends are happy. Joe is a “real” hunter, and these other guy’s aren’t, because the way they hunt is different from Joe, and Joe does not like that way of hunting. So what’s the harm in getting rid of that type of hunting. Joe is a “real” hunter after all, not like those other guys. He even goes to sportsmen’s organizations and recruits from within. It’s easy because they are all “real” hunters too.

Time passes, and more and more legal ways of hunting are banned. Bob and his friends are real happy with Joe, he’s been a real help. So after all the unethical ways of hunting are gone, Bob and his friends decide that it is time to get Joe’s way of hunting banned, the final chapter.

Joe: Bob, hey buddy, this is Joe. I know I helped you get rid of all those other forms of legal hunting, but now there is a move to get rid of the way I hunt.
Bob: Well Joe, I know. My friends and I are spearheading that movement.
Joe: But Bob, I thought you liked the way I hunt, and it was OK for me to do that type of hunting?
Bob: Well Joe, no, any and all types of hunting are bad, the poor defenseless animals never have a chance, and we dislike, actually we hate hunters.
Joe: But I thought the way I hunted was “real” hunting to you?
Bob: Joe, it was all real hunting, but we at PETA and HSUS hate you. Thanks for all your help, we greatly appreciate it.

You see, what Joe became was a “Cannibal”, a “Useful Idiot” to the anti-hunters at HSUS and PETA . They don’t give a rat’s backside how you hunt, what you hunt, or where you hunt, they just want all hunting done away with. The sad thing is that they use hunters against hunters for their causes. If you do not support any and all forms of legal hunting, or voice any decent about the way someone else legally hunts, you my friend are a “Cannibal”, and a very “Useful Idiot” to the enemy. Think twice the next time you mouth off against another hunter’s methods, they could be coming after you next.

Written by: John Wasmuth
Chilson, that needed posted years ago, but I am glad that it is up now. Not all ways of hunting fit my style, and I'm sure my deal doesn't fit everyone else, but hunters do need to present a united front. ObarO
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I had forgotten what that story was titled and have been looking for it for a while. Thanks for finding it and putting it up!

We all should keep this in mind. I don't have to agree with your "style" of hunting, but if I like "mine" I darn sure better support your right to hunt "Your" way.

Thanks for posting that. If I can be tolerant of Jimmy loving Joe and Sally neckin with Sue, the aliens, the atheists and muslims extremists, and the people getting a check when they can work perfectly fine, then people can be tolerant of the fact that I think Bambi tastes delicious shot in woods or behind a high fence, a Bear rug looks great on my floor, my wife never looks better when she's only wearing a coon skin hat, Elk tastes better than beef or any vegetable I ever tasted, and I would rather match wits with a predator any day than waste time debating with some liberal hasn't ever been in the field.
Wouldn't hurt for this thread to pop up monthly. I'm the type that needs reminding, and it's good to be reminded who our allies are, and how the anti's work.

We all should keep this in mind. I don't have to agree with your "style" of hunting, but if I like "mine" I darn sure better support your right to hunt "Your" way.

Chupa [/quote]
Good read, thanks for posting.....it's really too bad that this is a very true to life situation. With all that is going wrong with the world, it's sad that the anti's are preying on the "uninformed" to do their dirty work....under the assumption that said "uninformed" is doing something helpful. I suppose there will always be people/groups that will take every opportunity to take advantage of someone. That's why it is very important to educate (in a calm and intelligent fashion) those who discuss hunting/shooting with us. Be honest, be straightforward, and never appologize. What we do is "CONSERVATION", and if we follow the rules and aid in game management, we will be able to do so for a long time.....I hope! I would be heartbroken if I couldn't take my son hunting in a few years, so I will be educating those at every opportunity!!!!
Liberals and Progressives have always been advocates of the "Divide and Conquer" approach...Just look and the recent residents of the White House and Congress for the last hundred plus years..There have been a couple of exceptions, but generally it has held true..
"they WILL be coming after you next".

Make no mistake, whatever you like to hunt, whatever you like to hunt WITH, is on the radar screen of PETA, HSUS and other wacko left groups.

About 15 years ago, we in Colorado lost trapping and spring bear hunting through a vote. The sad part is, a 'higher up' in the Division of Wildlife told me before the vote that we were going to lose. He told me that less than 30% of the licensed hunters in Colorado were even registered to vote.

We must hang together, or most assuredly, we will hang separately...Ben Franklin
K-22hornet.....love the ben franklin quote.....it really holds true!!!! Also, I infer a very, very good point from your post, "register to vote and let your voice be heard"
Originally Posted By: K-22hornet."they WILL be coming after you next".

Make no mistake, whatever you like to hunt, whatever you like to hunt WITH, is on the radar screen of PETA, HSUS and other wacko left groups.

About 15 years ago, we in Colorado lost trapping and spring bear hunting through a vote. The sad part is, a 'higher up' in the Division of Wildlife told me before the vote that we were going to lose. He told me that less than 30% of the licensed hunters in Colorado were even registered to vote.

We must hang together, or most assuredly, we will hang separately...Ben Franklin

hit the nail on the head the antis here in new mexico are alleady coming back to ban trapping on public lands its starts with the wolf
Everything is divide and conquer and small steps towards the goal. I believe anti-hunting is so hot and heavy because when all firearm hunting is outlawed then the largest reason "we" have said we need guns will be gone. Thereby separating the hunters from the group of pro gunners. One can easily see the anti lead "controversy" that will help defeat the "target shooters" from the pro gunners group. The anti-gunners have used this tactic to ban large capacity magazines while hunting, no bear hunting over bait, no hunting with dogs, no shooting animals near their dens, no trapping, etc every rule not related to conservation is a win to the anti's.
Its like the frog that leaps out of the boiling water but will stay in the water that is slowly heated to boil it to death. We better wake up and see why EVERY election is crucial. Just because both candidates suck doesn't excuse you from your civic duty. Find the lessor of two evils.
i tell my stundents b/4 taking there hunter ed test, once you pass the test and are handed your card you become a lfe member of a club. the club consest of any and all hunters and everything you do once you accept this card reflects and impacts ALL members of the club.
sorry about the soap box spech