bobcat trapping


New member
Could you guys give me a run down of what kind of set and lure and anything else you can tell me about bobcat trapping. and how far to put the trap away. my neighbor just got a bobcat permit and wants me to help him get one. i know how to hunt them but have never trapped them. so help would be appreciated.
I think the easiet way to catch bobcats is in a box trap. It doesn't have to be really big. I've caught some 24 pounders in 10X10X30 box traps. I like to wire duck a duck carcas in the back of the trap and use some lure like Milligan's Cat-Man-Do on a stick hanging down into the trap near the duck. Pile brush around the trap but make sure that it doesn't interfere with the door closing. Use some of the duck feathers to hang in the brush for blowing around and getting the cats attention. If you don't want to mess with coons and possums and skunks, trap when it is extremely cold outside. The cats will be moving but everything else holes up. Hope this helps. Good luck. Lonnie
Here is a leg hold set that works well for me. Break off a cedar limb about 12" long and stick it in the groud just off a trail you see cat sign on. Set your trap about 9" from the cedar limb with the trap on the trail. Sprinkle or spray some cat urine on the cedar branch and put a little lure on it also. This set works well along the edges of crop fields where cats are traveling or along farm roads. Good luck and good trapping.
Easiest way to trap a bobcat is to first locat the toilet. (where he craps) A good toilet will have mutiple droppings in it in diffrent stages of decomposition. What I like to do then is creat a path near this area that is very narrow. Use logs or large rocks to restrict passage to about 10" wide. Next place the trap in the center. I then place small 2" rocks or twigs straight up in front of and behind the trap. This way the cat will have to step on the pan. I use a plastic screen over the pan which is then covered with sand. I like to mark the rock or tree branch next to the trap with cat urine and place what ever attractent sent high above the set. Hope this helps