Six Minutes Over Kerry!!!


New member
I heard Vice President Chenny give one of the best speaches today that I have heard in a long time.

Topic: The Presidential Race, 2004

I was very pleased w/ his assesment of President Bush and in particular the way he delineated how a Kerry Presidency (God Forbid) would in fact cope in "todays world". Read post 911!!!

Chenny's matter of fact, non emotional, yet power packed presentation conjured up the sight of Billy Mitchels raid over Tokyo in WWII. There is a movie about that epic air mission. The title is "30 Seconds Over Tokyo".

In the aftermath of listening to VP Chenny, I could not help but draw the parallel that the good VP had just presented us with "Six Minutes Over Kerry"!!!!

Too bad it won't be playing in a movie house near you anytime soon!

Liberal control over the media ...... precludes it!!!!!

As fellow conservatives our biggest hurdle is to bust this cartel the Libs have over information and ideas. The survival of our great nation requires it!!

Only TALK RADIO and one lone TV network standout for freedom!!

I am sure that naming names is not necessary!

Long live Bush/Chenny....... Long live the truthful media!!
