Howdy All . . .

I'd like to address to the moderators and group as a whole and of course all the Alaskans we have on board.

Howdy from Alaska.

The Predator Masters Forums seem to be pretty super. Its just Wonderful.

However, I would like to Request/Suggest that another Forum Category be Added that used to be of UTMOST IMPORTANCE on Posse Country before it crashed, and that would be to add the Forum Category "ALASKA HUNTING", which would include both calling and non-calling type hunting all over Alaska.

Alaska has so much territory and so much hunting that that category was a Godsend of the most Valuable usefulness and it was used by me and a whole bunch of guys all over the state from the Arctic on down to Southeast, exchanging info on everything from Caribou to Coyotes to Lynx to Bears to Wolves to Moose and Wolverine.

Can we please do that?

All best and keep ur powder dry . . . :)

Cas Gadomski (Cas in Alaska)

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Hey Cas,

How the heck ya doing? I to second that notion!!!!

The Alaska Hunting forum ranged from far north of Alaska to the southern Canada boarder. I to miss all exchanging info with the guys, It was also informative for folks wanting to come to the Great North Country.
Shoot you know i'd help a feller out.

Alaskan Yoter
Originally posted by Alaskan Yoter:
Hey Cas,

How the heck ya doing? I to second that notion!!!!

The Alaska Hunting forum ranged from far north of Alaska to the southern Canada boarder. I to miss all exchanging info with the guys, It was also informative for folks wanting to come to the Great North Country.
Shoot you know i'd help a feller out.

Alaskan Yoter

Howdy Yoter. All has been fine...and getting ready for the Silvers to start running. :)

You Betcha . . . that to include some of the Canadian fellas also hunting and calling Wolves along with the guys in Tok area too.
I don't exactly know at the moment who to address this to and who the man would be to type the appropriate computer keys to make the "ALASKA HUNTING FORUM" a Reality, but it sure would be a Needed Godsend, and I'd certainly be willing to contribute.

Can anyone supply the appropriate input?

Cas in Alaska

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Were not ignoring you, actually it's being discussed in the Moderators forum right now.
The biggest problem is that bringing on another forum and dedicating it to Alaskan hunting would be the beginning of division among us all here at Predator Masters.
Soon we would need a forum for each of the fifty states and it's members here at Predator Masters in order to remain fair, and still that wouldn't be enough because we have members from all over the world right now.
The forums available are still open to anyone and everyone, and there is a forum listed to cover most hunting done today without dividing us up into regions.

The Big Game Hunting forum would be an excellent place to discuss some of the Alaskan techniques and other discussion involved.

Never the less...a decision has not been made, and Will or Leanord will be in soon to let folks know what was decided.

~River Runner~

Originally posted by River Runner:
Were not ignoring you, actually it's being discussed in the Moderators forum right now.
The biggest problem is that bringing on another forum and dedicating it to Alaskan hunting would be the beginning of division among us all here at Predator Masters.
Soon we would need a forum for each of the fifty states and it's members here at Predator Masters in order to remain fair, and still that wouldn't be enough because we have members from all over the world right now.
The forums available are still open to anyone and everyone, and there is a forum listed to cover most hunting done today without dividing us up into regions.

The Big Game Hunting forum would be an excellent place to discuss some of the Alaskan techniques and other discussion involved.

Never the less...a decision has not been made, and Will or Leanord will be in soon to let folks know what was decided.

~River Runner~

Howdy River Runner . . .

Thanks a million for the reply.

Well, I guess my first thought is that on Posse Country from actual experience the Alaska Hunting Forum was never ever a problem...only a BOON and a PLUS to everyone, including lots of folks from the south 48 who wanted to make a trip to Alaska and the northland. A LOT of valuable information was also gleaned FOR those folks. Also, the Alaska Hunting Forum also included the entire northland and Canada and Arctic Regions. I really must say that (and there is no prejudice here, just solid fact) Alaska is NOT just another really IS different here with different problems and situation and game populations and survival conditions that other places in the world don't have.
Frankly and upon further reflection again, and from past experience, I really don't see it as a "divisional" issue. I certainly see it as a big PLUS. When people think of world class hunting and wilderness, "Alaska" is always high on the venue right there with Africa. I do get to grin sometimes though about the word "fair", which is a word that is always used by children and democrats in their daily praddle.
Anyhow, the other board never had a divisional problem in the Least and I was a constant contributor and user if it and saw all the message traffic first hand. It all worked Wonderfully. It was a Plus Plus Win Win. Guess the "proof is in the pudding"?

Anyway my friend, so much for my 2 cents, and I'll do anything I can to help.

All best . . . thanks for listening.

Cas in Alaska

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Referral# 779609
I will ad my "Yes" vote to the list. I don't think that it caused any hurt feelings at any of the other boards that it was on.

AY how is your call collection comeing along? Do you have one of everything yet?
I would like to see a "Alaska Hunting Forum" Like Cas said things are much different up there than in the lower 48. No, I will not be miffed if Alaska guys have their own forum and I really couldn't understand why anybody would be.

I have been up to Alaska once before hunting and would like to go back to that great state again someday and it would be nice to talk to some residents about what is happening locally. They have predators up there that we down here can only imagine about. Things get kind of slow during the summer so a guy could inquire about salmon fishing,caribou hunting,etc. Besides there are some forums on this board that hardly ever get used so combine some of those forums together to make room for the Alaska forum if space is an issue. Thanks

[This message has been edited by Lonny (edited 07-20-2001).]
Here is my 2 cents, it is my opinion so take it for what it is worth,

I have been an Alaska resident, lived and hunted there, and have lived and hunted in alot of the states as well.

I agree that there are some differences between Alaska and the states, but I do not see why those issues cannot be discussed in the forums already here, there are so many different topics that are covered. Think of it this way all the people interested in that topic will get the info where as they might not look in the Alaska forum, and as well those in alaska would see info in the various topics that they might not see in the Alaska forum.

I think that the moderators of this board are doing a wonderful job and appreciate it very much. I haven't been able to ad much more than my 2 cents from time to time and hope in the future to be able to do much more.

Don't get me wrong or take this as a flame, I would love to keep up on what is going on up in Alaska, but there are issues beyond those already mentioned that have to be considered.

I support the moderator's in what ever their decision might be.

Might I suggest that for the folks up north, a forum might better be called Northern calling or some such. Like Eastern Calling. That way it does not seem like maybe one state is special. The moderators over here are doing a great job, I hope they continue the good work.
Hi everybody,

In reviewing this thread, I noticed that there was a promise made to inform about the decision. Unfortunately, I missed that part, and I apoligize. I don't consider the decision to be a "bum deal", or unfair, in any way. However, it WAS made by a bunch of western and southwestern hunters that happen to have the responsibility of moderating our forums. I'm being a little tongue in cheek here, but as Wiley said, the next forum proposed may well be from Kazakhastan? What do we do with that? As he mentioned, where do we draw the line? We also know that Possecountry had an Alaska Forum, but don't see that alone, as a reason why we need one for Predator Masters.

This is not a suggestion to go elsewhere, and we are sensitive to the needs of our members. This is a policy arrived at by the Board owners and Forum leaders. Please respect our decision, post your subject matter, make friends, and enjoy our hospitality. Alaskans, we are all genuinely grateful for your presence, and perspective

Thanks, LB