Texas ATV


Active member


Took my Texas ATV hunting yesterday and saw two Coyotes before I was ready. I think they told all the rest who swam the river and Howled at me the rest of the afternoon. Never fired my Rifle and had a great time. I lost track of time and had to ride at least two miles in total darkness. With all the Howling and the cattle running around it got pretty spooky with no flashlight. This is the best way to hunt.
Daddyflea: What's the fuel consumption on that specific model? Great mode of transportation when hunting. Used mine for elk hunts for 15 yrs. Game hardly noticed when we rode in. They can be pretty stealthy. Never thought about using em for coyotes. You may be onto something here.
Originally Posted By: MrgunslingerThat would be to easy for a border crosser to hot wire!

Dead wrong there. One reason I got her was because of your abnormally bad attitude. She is generally kind of mean. When I go into her pen, I have to be real careful because sometimes she will lay back her ears and come after me. Horse Shoer really has to be careful. This bad attitude is what makes her a good hunting Horse. She is generally not scared of much and will often try to fight when frightened. In the Horse world Mares rule the Herd and there is one Alpha Mare that is the Boss, not the Stallion like most people think. This little Horse is an Alpha, but she does hook up and provide a great hunting partner. The first Coyote I killed she stomped until she was sure it was dead. Most Horses are terrified of Hogs but not this one.





Great way to hunt. There is a neighbor of mine that hunts deer off of her horse. She has killed a few that way. There was an article in a local sportsman magazine about her.
Originally Posted By: gonzmgShe is dang sure fat but looks like a good horse to me.

She was 10 months pregnant when some of those pictures were made.