Lunar Tables How does it effect Coyotes hunting


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Lunar Tables

Can someone explain in thick skull terms, what is it? How it works? And how it affects Coyote hunting, meaning does understanding the lunar table help call in coyotes?


If you see cats out hunting, I was told, then the predators are out, too. One guy in NY used to watch a pet fox, one he didn't hunt close to home. If it was out making tracks in the snow, then he would be calling that night.

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I figure an anomal is like us and has to eat everyday...reguardless of lunar tables...but I could be wrong...just my opinion.
Checking traps every day you can see that atleast one out of three nights they don't move enough to find a persons traps. After a big snow, 18-20" I have seen it take 8-10 days for them to travel enough to cross a road, for me to see tracks. They waited for the snow to be moved several times to firm it up. The area where I hunt and live is mostly one square mile sections, a road every mile, a few sections have a 1x2 mile section, but most are 1x1 mile. If they were out hunting they would just about have to cross a road. So in my experience, they don't hunt or move every night, now if I could pinpoint which day to stay home!
this is not an experts opinion at all. but from what ive noticed you have a lot less luck calling during the day during a full moon, im guessing this is because they have more sucess hunting with more light because more other creatures go noctunal during a full moon. Deer also do this.
I have noticed that during a full moon, all creatures habits change. Same is with a high or low pressure system. There are so many factors with "Mother Nature" to concider that I have chosen to just hunt & fish whenever I can, and during a full moon, I lower my expectations.