MP3 Grey Fox Pup?

There shouldn't be a "Free" version of that one online anywhere, it's copyright protected. You can spend $19.95 and get it on CD at AllPredatorCalls though.

Details of CD:
Johnny Stewart - Grey Fox Calls Vol. 1 #CD-GFV1
CD-GFV1...Gray Fox Calls Volume 1. Includes Baby Cottontail Distress (102B), Gray Fox Pup (113A), Gray Fox & Cottontail (113B) and Gray Fox & Raccoons (113E) sounds. 4 tracks 15 minutes each. Contains CD& MP3 files - 60 minutes total.
Pow317 This question gets asked about once a month. The next thing that happens in this type of thread is that a discussion on who can and who can't have the sound for free. The info that snowcamoman gave you is how you should secure the sound you want. Those of us that abide by the rules and payed for it really don't want to provide it for "free". Hope you understand.
+1 for the snowman and mbower

There are plenty of "free" sounds out there, but you get what you pay for.
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