a short test


New member

i scored 95% conservative
5% liberal
looks like i need some fixing.
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I actually scored 60% liberal and 40% conservative. Some of the questions are written in such a simplistic manner that you simply have to choose the one closest to your beliefs. I would think that 95% conservative would pass the litmus test.
80% con,20% lib.
My only question is who is it that defines conservative answers vs liberal ones.
As HB71 states, some of the choices are vague, meaning there was not a correct answer for me at all.
Like the questionaires the GOP sends out. I read them, then toss them in the trash.Now that I took the quiz, I feel like throwing myself in the trash.
You are correct; some of those questions were either trick questions or in defiance of logic. The kind of questions that it's impossible to give a good answer to!
Speaking of DAWG, my wife won't miss a single show of Dawg the Bounty Hunter and she would record them all if she thought he would ever go off the air. She retired from the prison system after 21.5 years and I think she really admires the way he managed making something out of himself and being religious. She may be trying to give me a hint or something I don't know.

But is does have the ring of truth to being 100% on something!

Many of us back down when we should have stuck to our guns just a little bit longer!

But in my defense, I think that one question is like a 'control' question which survey constructors or statisticians put in just to identify those that might not read the question right: like the ones they throw in those MMPI tests where they say 'there are no wrong answers'.

It's probably better that we nominate and elect a fearless leader who retains just a twinge of fearlessness designed for proper caution! Like I walked through a 'friendly' minefield on April llth, l970, ....................BUT I walked very, very carefully! Enlightened fearlessness!

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It says I'm only 90% conservative and 10% liberal.

Speaking of bowing, did you all see where PRESBO has been caught bowing to the Mayor of Tampa? Who will he squat to next?
Quote:You Are 95% Conservative, 5% Liberal
Social Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal

Personal Responsibility: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal

Fiscal Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal

Ethics: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal

Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal

Hey!! What's unethical about not always agreeing with international (UN) law?? Seems like common sense to me.