Bobcat Sounds for this time of season?


New member
Hey guys, I'm planning to go out aiming for bobcats tomorrow probably in the rain. I'd like some help as for what sounds. I have a furry wobble decoy as well as the expedite woodpecker. This is a wooded area Dry strip pits, that I have seen cats in before. If you have some last minute advice for me I would appreciate it. thanks,
The biggest key is scouting and knowing where the cats are,
Sounds like you have that figured out.

Any bird distress should work well, call constantly as Bobs lose interest quickly.

Be patient. I would wait up to an hour for cats.

Last, keep your eyes in the trees.. Bobcats love to sit and watch.

Good Luck and post pictures!
You couldn't pay me to get out there in this dang monsoon we got here in Missouri.

You are a braver man than I sir.

Thunderstorms all day here where I am.
Bird distressed calls are always good for cats, you may have to sit 45 minutes you may only sit three. I think cats come in early and hold up when they can see the area where the calls are coming from. You have to be vigilant in seeing them when they are watching you, not an easy task when you are trying to hide from them. I was calling for yotes a few weeks ago and in 5 minutes we spotted a bob cat at 230 yards watching us. we only saw it because it made the fatal mistake of skylining itself. It had come over from some rimrock about 400 yards from our set. good luck, I hand call with the ruffi dog (predator quest)
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Foxpro sounds that have worked good for me are.
DSG Cottontail, Lightning Jack, Luckybird, Wounded Woody, Bobcat in heat.
Varmint Al's website has the best chicken distress I have heard and it's free. Chicken distress has worked pretty well for me.

Every once in a while try just using just a coaxer sound like a lip squeek.

Hope this helps
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