Brand New predator Hunter


New member
Got the guns, mojo critter, and electronic call and about to go out for the first time. I have foxes, bobcats, and coyotes on my farm. How long should I stay in one spot from the moment I turn the call on till I decide to try a new spot.
It depends on the terrain, but I usually stay on stand 20 to 30 minutes. Most of the coyotes I have called in have come in to my set-up within the first 5 minutes of calling!
i aree w/ crosseyed, it depends highly on the terrain and stand type. Also what you r targeting or anticipating 2 come in (bobcat, fox etc.) i'd say 80% of my encounters have happened in 5 mins. or less.
I call for about twenty to thirty minutes as well and most of the critters I've shot have come in before the eight minute mark. If you are goin' for a bobcat specifically I'd give it an extra fifteen to twenty minutes as they can come in pretty slow from what I've heard. They like to sneak in and check things out as they come. Also, when you are done calling, make sure you scan the "horizon" really good. You might have a dog or cat sitting in some brush looking at you that you didn't see while calling. I can't think of a better work than horizon right now but I know there is one.
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