When to quit?


New member
When should a person stop loading ammo?

Is it when you think you have enough for the season?


Is it when all of your ammo boxes are full?


When you've stuffed the last 270 rounds of loaded ammo in ziplock bags for lack of having enough ammo boxes?


When you run completely out of components? I'm not out of components yet, but I'm pretty sure I have enough ammo loaded to last through the season...

and a few more.

I haven't bought much for components in the last couple of years, but I decided a while back to put together what I had. Turns out when you've been loading for a few years, components tend to pile up a bit.

Till the $$$ cant buy more components? I dunno, thats a question no one can answer...
I shoot ALOT so, I am always pulling the lever on the press...
looks like a nice start there...you should load as many as you can fit into your biggest backpack and then a few more for your pockets. remember, a loaded bullet can be worth its wieght in gold.
When one of two things happens; 1. You run out of cartridge cases, or 2. You can't get any more 50 cal. ammo cans to fit under the bed (thats where I keep mine).
In the event of #1 go get some more cases, in event #2 get a bigger bed.

In that case, I reckon I'll just keep loading ammo.

Never seems to be enough, and I'm not out of supplies or room to store it yet.


Originally Posted By: KenlguyWhen you press in the last primer.....and can't find any more.

Being in need of primers right now would really suck. I haven't seen a single box of primers for sale here since last April.

Originally Posted By: Evil_LurkerYou need a couple of those 7.62 army ammo cans.

To small, he needs the 20mm ammo box as they hold more........
DANG! You gave me a new idea. She's been complaining about being overweight and I need me a couple of new long guns and that'll require more ammo to load. Wonder how much I can get for her AValanche? Ya think she'll be pissed?