how close have youkilled coyote

The one that ran over my back doesn't count cause I didn't kill it, but it sure scared a couple of lives out of me. I didn't even shoot at it as it exited the country. Bet it's still chuckling over that.

I was laying on the side of a terrace looking down this great valley. I wasn't seeing anything when all of a sudden something stepped on my back left leg. I jumped and scared the [beeep] out of a coyote that was standing there behind me. Talk about getting them off to a running start.. by the way.. I missed that [beeep] thing with 5 shots!
Calling in Oklahoma with a buddy who was supposed to be watching my back. I didn't realize he messed up until I felt something sniffing my ear. I was sitting below a cutbank and the coyote came in on top. He leaned over and sniffed me. I jumped up and he took off. He stopped to look back about 40 yards away so I killed him.
Sitting on a bucket deer hunting I had a yote come in behind me. 54 caliber black powder rifle makes an awful mess at 8 feet. Had a bobcat jump my head while duck hunting but I was too busy trying to restart my heart to shoot that one.