Abandon ship: Run from the public schools!


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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Abandon ship: Run from the public schools!
Exclusive: David d'Escoto asks, 'Is your kid's soul more important than the prom?'

Imagine taking your innocent, trusting children by the hand and relinquishing them to a life of bondage. As unthinkable as that may sound, an account in one of my children's books, "A Child's History of the World" (Hillyer, 1924), told of this very act during the Children's Crusade of 1212:

Children from all over France left their homes and their mothers and fathers – it seems strange to us that [the parents] would let them start off on such a trip – and marched south to the Mediterranean Sea. … [They] expected the waters of the sea to part and allow them to march on dry land to Jerusalem … but the waters did not part. Sailors offered to take the children to Jerusalem in their ships. … But it turned out that these sailors were really pirates, and as soon as they got the children on board their ships they steered them straight into … the very land of their enemies. … Here, it is said, the pirates sold the children as slaves.
We have virtually the same thing occurring in our culture today. The ships of bondage are the public schools, but instead of thousands of children, millions are led aboard. Founded by secular humanists over 150 years ago to delegate the training of children to the state, the public school of today is where the "old and irrelevant" has been removed – God, the Bible, prayer – and new godless, socialist and New Age agendas have assumed their place.

Sadly, many parents are either unaware or unwilling to see the true depravity of today's government schools. Although many well-meaning parents may rationalize sending their children to secular institutions, there are big reasons to remove them from these public stumbling centers immediately.

Public school is where the "blind guides lead the blind" (Matthew 15:14) in centers of secular-humanistic indoctrination. This is no longer up for debate. The research is in. Please make yourself familiar with the following research: The National Study of Youth and Religion by Smith and Denton (2005), The Southern Baptist Council on Family Life Report (2002), and the 20 years of study by Dan Smithwick and the Nehemiah Institute with over 40,000 youth who professed to be born-again. The facts are mind-boggling! The American church is currently losing between 70-90 percent of the next generation. The vast majority of our children's worldviews have been decimated, the inevitable result of nearly 1,100 hours a year of teaching that runs antithetical to Christianity.

E. Ray Moore of Exodus Mandate, at the forefront of this battle for the last 11 years, wrote the following: "… the lion's share of converting and witnessing is accomplished through the public education curriculum, peer pressure from other children – most of whom are non-Christian – and educators who implant (either subtly or obviously and conscientiously or unconscientiously) their humanistic, neo-pagan or New Age doctrines within the minds and hearts of Christian children." One recent Barna study shows that if current trends continue, in 10 years church attendance will be half of what it is today. Parents: the pagan institution down the street may have sports activities, marching bands, school plays, homecomings, proms, et cetera, but in light of eternity, do they really matter? Is not your child's soul worth so much more?

Public schools, by design, bring not one thought captive under Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). We as taxpayers now spend roughly $9,000-plus annually per student on K-12 public education, topping the charts globally in per-student spending, to produce scores near the bottom of all industrialized nations. So, what do our nearly 600 billion tax dollars a year generate besides a generation of youth thinking, acting and growing up to vote like socialists? As put by Mrs. Charlotte Iserbyt, former senior policy adviser in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, public educated children are being "deliberately dumbed down." The damage is not only spiritual, but mental and emotional as well.

Public schools surround children daily with the companionship of fools that corrupts good morals (Proverbs 13:20 and 1 Corinthians 15:33). Our impressionable children are faced with even greater temptations than in generations past. Why would we send them to places that are in a moral free-fall?

The facts speak for themselves. A recent Heritage Group study reports, "Every day, 8,000 teenagers in the United States become infected by a sexually transmitted disease." A recent study by Congress estimated that one out of 10 students (K-12) are "subject to sexual misconduct by an employee of a school" and that most of the abuse is never reported. To put this into perspective: a child going to a public school nowadays has a significantly greater chance of being sexually abused in school than being in an automobile accident. Yet every day millions of parents insist on seatbelts as they drive their children straight to a place where they are subject not only to the temptation of other fools but also potential physical harm.

A believer may point to Scripture and accuse another of being "judgmental," "legalistic" or "binding another's conscience" and therefore unduly burdening them because they choose to send their own children to public schools. I would graciously ask my fellow believers to read beyond the "don't judge me" verses to the ends of these chapters. In Romans 14 and 1 Corinthians 8, Paul's overarching theme is, "Whatever you do as a believer, do not offend or cause another weaker believer to stumble." Here Paul uses the Greek words for "offend" or "stumble" from which we derive our English word "scandal." Paul could have written the following to millions of Christian parents today in a tone of genuine love and concern: "Parents, yes, you have been given freedom in Christ and yes, you are no longer 'under the Law,' but you are using your freedom in Christ as a license to send your children to a place that is causing these little ones 'scandal' – to stumble, to be offended, to turn away from our Lord. Why? Do you not remember what our Lord has told us? 'If anyone causes one of these little ones to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.'"

Sending our children to public schools clearly causes them to stumble in their walk with God. The answer is not more youth groups, children's ministries, or even a teaching series by our pastors. The answer begins with parents loving their children more than they love the convenience or tradition of their local public schools. We must spark a debate within our churches. Since it appears that many of our Christian leaders and pastors – the shepherds – are afraid or unwilling to tackle this topic, then let the sheep address it, and let them begin now.

The facts, Scripture, and plain reason clearly demonstrate that when parents send their children to today's public schools, they put them in harm's way. Evidence and history have shown it is a fool's errand to try to reform the schools – a waste of time, money and children. It also runs contradictory to God's Word. In the words of Martin Luther, "My conscience is captive to the Word of God … to go against conscience is neither right nor safe."

Let us come together as the Body of Christ, repent and honor the Lord by raising our children for God's glory! Before another precious soul stumbles and falls away, let us stop leading our kids onto the pirate ships and work together to rescue those who are already on board. It is time to abandon ship.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Get David's book, "The Little Book of Big Reasons to Homeschool"

"The Harsh Truth About Public Schools"

"None Dare Call it Education"

"Whoever Controls the Schools Rules the World"

David d'Escoto is a teaching elder, the co-author of "The Little Book of Big Reasons to Homeschool" and co-hosted the former radio program "Homeschooling for Life." He and his wife, Kim, have homeschooled their five children for over 10 years. Visit their website at http://dexios.info.
Never got on the ship, thank God. Java, if they just had more money for education these challenges could be solved in those wonderful places of learning.
What are a parents alternatives?

Home schooling? Sure, if you're only going to plan on teaching your kid up to a 4th-5th grade curriculum. Not too many parents can swing teaching 7 subjects. They don't have the know-how. Sure, home school your child to keep him away from the kids who use racial epitaphs and bully him. He'll really learn some quality social skills to cope with LIFE'S bullies. Sure he might grow up to be an Engineer at Honeywell with the social skills of a psychopath serial killer.

Private Schooling- Sure. We all have that kind of money floating around these days.

Charter Schools? Oh yeah. Not a chance in [beeep]. I did my MA thesis paper at ASU on Arizona's Charter Schools. The head of the investigative unit for the State of Arizona's Educational System told me that because the charter schools goal is to distance themselves from typical public schools they 100% revamp how teachers are hired. Background checks to see if they're convicted sex offenders? Not here in AZ. They've shot themselves in the foot by making themselves rewrite how a school hires teachers, conducts business, and relates to the public. Sure, let's all teach at a charter school, who's primary goal is to make money, not educate children. You'll probably not have a 403B to put your money into. You'll probably be doing double duty as you wont have enough staff to fill all the teaching positions. Your pay will be less than your public teacher counterpart. Insurance? If you're lucky and plan on paying more than the public school teacher. Union to help with pay raises? NIL. Have fun mowing the lawn after your teaching is done. Somebodies got to do it and they don't have the money to hire a grounds keeper. Charter schools, if run poorly, go bankrupt. A job in a public school is about the best job security you can get these days.

You can dog on public schools all day long but I am afraid you are gonna be all alone as public school teachers are some of the hardest working, underpaid professional in America.

javafour- If you just read my post- thank a public school teacher. They probably taught you how to read.
JAVA! AMAZING to see this posted! My parents began fighting this in Plano schools over 20 years ago. Due to age and family problems they finally backed off of the hard work, and just settled in to letting others know and some small scale informational stuff. Up till my dad passed away election night '04, my mom still had REAMS and REAMS of papers and evidence of this being in the curriculum. She had papers and books straight out of 'Region 10', which is the Dallas area depot of curricula.

The NEA and many other groups are eat up with humanists, and they are pushing an agenda they think nobody knows about!! For those that DO know, it's a battle of David against a 100ft tall Goliath...

People have asked me for years why I would-not being rich-relegate myself to living like I was poor just so I could send my kids to a private, CHRISTIAN school. When I would tell them that it was due to the public schools being a cesspool they would begin to argue, usually something like 'but OUR schools have the highest ranking' or some drivel. As soon as they get quiet enough for you to explain WHY you called it a 'cesspool', they get that glazed over look and start talking to you like they're stalling you so the guys in white suits can get there in time.

It's pitiful. Folks don't WANT to know. The same people will question what is wrong with our youth every time they see the DIRECT RESULTS of a life of values clarification and humanism being stuffed in some kid's brain. It's never been more true: garbage in, garbage out.

Edited to add:I just read Hyper's post...my PARENTS taught me to read!
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You can dog on public schools all day long but I am afraid you are gonna be all alone as public school teachers are some of the hardest working, underpaid professional in America.

+1 on that bud. This article is one of the most ignorant things I've read in a long time. Teach religion in the homes, churches, and in sunday school. Let the schools teach the three r's. If the public school system can destroy your kids religion and undo all of the moral teachings you've instilled in them at home, then there's room for improvement in your teaching. Eventually your kids will have to be released from your protective bubble and then what? Because you didn't allow them exposure to the real world they will be ill equipped to deal with it.


Problem is the government schools are shaping the "real world" and making it worse for everyone. Hyper- if ya'll are so great then why are the results so dismal? Border, there is religion being forced down the government school student's throats- the religion of secular humanism. The NEA and the government could care less about the three R's. It's about control of people's kids and nothing else. Can you apologists come up with a reason why home schooled/ private schooled children win the vast majority of spelling and geography bees and run rings around their government schooled counterparts on the other subjects? Must be the lack of money, right? Dump a few hundred more billion down the rat hole and you'll start cranking out geniuses while making a decent living for a change, I guess.
Borderdog-YOUR post might be the most ignorant thing I'VE read in quite some time. You don't understand the issue here, nor the fact that this is not something presented to kids when they reach a certain age, etc. This is the insidious undermining of the very values parents teach at home-and it begins early and ends only when the kids graduate. It is there because most parents DO teach values and morals. The most sure way to change 'things' on the battleground of ideas is to start with the youth-something that has been understood since ancient times. Why do you think it was so common for women and CHILDREN to be slaughtered in history? The man fights you with his hands, the woman with her tongue by teaching, then the kids start the cycle all over again with the main difference being that they now know you and all your weaknesses. This is an old principle.

The reason your argument of 'what parents teach at home' doesn't hold up, is that the schoolteacher is an authoritative person in a child's life. Any kid knows that the teacher is an 'accepted' person to the parent, which puts them in a position of trust. When somebody is that close, they can say almost anything without a kid even blinking! In my case-it was me who brought this 'stuff' to my parents' attention only by ACCIDENT. I just happened to mention about some weird questions we doing in a certain class. These questions were exactly the same as the Lifeboat Game, all straight out of a book called 'Values Clarification'. http://www.amazon.com/Values-Clarification-Dr-Sidney-Simon/dp/0446670952

Don't bury your head in the sand! Put your money where your mouth is and go research the stuff presented in the first post. You might be in for a surprise.. I don't post my agreement here based on NOT knowing! I was THERE, DONE that, SEEN that, KNOW where it comes from!
The evidence shows that government school teachers are neither overworked nor underpaid, given the market realities the rest of us deal with in life.


Civic Report
No. 50 January 2007

How Much Are Public School Teachers Paid?

by Jay P. Greene and Marcus A. Winters

Executive Summary

Education policy discussions often assume that public school teachers are poorly paid. Typically absent in these discussions about teacher pay, however, is any reference to systematic data on how much public school teachers are actually paid, especially relative to other occupations. Because discussions about teacher pay rarely reference these data, the policy debate on education reform has proceeded without a clear understanding of these issues.

This report compiles information on the hourly pay of public school teachers nationally and in 66 metropolitan areas, as collected by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in its annual National Compensation Survey. We also compare the reported hourly income of public school teachers with that of workers in similar professions, as defined by the BLS. This report goes on to use the BLS data to analyze whether there is a relationship between higher relative pay for public school teachers and higher student achievement as measured by high school graduation rates.

Among the key findings of this report:

According to the BLS, the average public school teacher in the United States earned $34.06 per hour in 2005.

The average public school teacher was paid 36% more per hour than the average non-sales white-collar worker and 11% more than the average professional specialty and technical worker.

Full-time public school teachers work on average 36.5 hours per week during weeks that they are working. By comparison, white-collar workers (excluding sales) work 39.4 hours, and professional specialty and technical workers work 39.0 hours per week. Private school teachers work 38.3 hours per week.

Compared with public school teachers, editors and reporters earn 24% less; architects, 11% less; psychologists, 9% less; chemists, 5% less; mechanical engineers, 6% less; and economists, 1% less.

Compared with public school teachers, airplane pilots earn 186% more; physicians, 80% more; lawyers, 49% more; nuclear engineers, 17% more; actuaries, 9% more; and physicists, 3% more.

Public school teachers are paid 61% more per hour than private school teachers, on average nationwide.

The Detroit metropolitan area has the highest average public school teacher pay among metropolitan areas for which data are available, at $47.28 per hour, followed by the San Francisco metropolitan area at $46.70 per hour, and the New York metropolitan area at $45.79 per hour.

We find no evidence that average teacher pay relative to that of other white-collar or professional specialty workers is related to high school graduation rates in the metropolitan area.
Why am I not surprised to learn the the authors (any I use the term loosely) of the above noted article published on that most relaible of sources (worldnetdaily.com) don't have PHD's, but they do have a number of books to SELL you at a special discount price that comes with a subscription to paranoidnet.daily! LOL /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused1.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smiliesmack.gif
Problem is the government schools are shaping the "real world" and making it worse for everyone. Hyper- if ya'll are so great then why are the results so dismal?Quote:

I can only guess as to why. Guess #1 is family life is at an all time low in society. Kids spend more time playing video games than doing their homework. Hate to break it to you but I don't have a XBox 360 in my classroom- you got it in your home. Guess #2- Parents are not at home parenting for one reason or another. Kids come home to an empty home because parents are having to work late to make ends meet. Dad and mom (who are we kidding, if there is a dad at home), they don't take time to sit and help their son/daughter do their lessons. When I call home and ask about some problems I am seeing in Johnny's classwork I get a parents bitching that it's a school problem, fix it at school. She doesn't have time to deal with it. Fantastic. Johny tell me to go shove it when I tell him if he doesn't get the work done he'll stay in for recess. Some kids don't care about recess. They don't care about staying after school. Parents need to get involved so we can mutually figure out what to do. Mom doesn't want to deal with it I'm sure because mom is part of the problem.

Here is a perfect example and a real life one (not these 100% ignorant posts we see here regarding education). Students A is not able to do work. She's making low Cs and Ds on grade-level assignments. She needs some extra help beyond school. Some time one on one with mom at home helping her do her homework would be great. Mom says listen teacher, Monday Wednesday and Friday we have Karate until 8:45, Tuesdays and Thursdays she's playing soccer until 7:30 at the YMCA. I work until 6 and don;'t have time. I suggest she let one of the after school activities go so she can refocus on her school work. Mom says that's not going to happen because the girl likes sports. Now THATS the exact phone conversation I had last week. You asked for reasons and I'm giving you REAL LIFE ones.

Wacko conspiracy theorists have decided public schools teachers are secretly all leftists who purposely decided to take on this profession to infiltrate the solid family values of society at the students level and grow up a giant leftist army who will in time overthrow everything we hold sacred. YEAH, I know sounds pretty silly. I am not far off what they really think.

Teachers are horrible teachers these days. They can't teach kids- look at our horrible test scores. Other countries produce so much smarter students than us. ATTENTION NEWS FLASH- In the past 10 years accountability for teachers is WAAY higher than it ever has been in the history of education in our nation. Teacher's pay is partially based on how well their students do on national standardized testing. Imagine that- If your classrooms kids test poorly, you don't get that $2500 extra money that was passed in proposition 301 last year you were to be given. LOL- How ridiculous. I would agree to this 100% if I had the kid 24 hours a day for 9 months. Where I could govern what he did once he got home. Where I could sit down and study with him. Where I could teacher solid family values that carry over into the classroom environment. Unfortunately I have to let my 'investment' walk home where he rides his bike with friends until 9pm then comes home and plays Call of Duty 4 online with friends until 11. Who would bank on getting any return on that investment? I have no choice- if I want that $2500 I have to make the best of what I can with it.

Teachers are horrible these days? Yeah right. It's tougher to get a teaching degree than ever before. The costs of getting a teaching degree from a state university is off the charts. No Child Left Behind (good direction but terribly funded) has raised the bar super high forcing public schools to make adequate yearly progress or be taken over my the state. Yeah- we're slacking. We're sucking. D the charter schools and private school have to follow these same standards? OF COURSE NOT. Do some- sure.

One has to wonder than what in [beeep] is happening. If Scott is saying teachers are better than ever, and schools are really trying to produce educated children- why are we struggling. Society is going down the toilet faster than we can imagine. Teachers can only do so much with what is given to them. Everyone is quick to say the USA is in turmoil with our morals and values be tossed aside. Traditional family values begin warped. Greed driving people to do just about anything BUT you are unable to think that these societal factors have any bearing on students who come to school. Give me a break. You are just [beeep] stupid.

Can you apologists come up with a reason why home schooled/ private schooled children win the vast majority of spelling and geography bees and run rings around their government schooled counterparts on the other subjects? Must be the lack of money, right? Dump a few hundred more billion down the rat hole and you'll start cranking out geniuses while making a decent living for a change, I guess.

Let me educate you on how public, charter schools, and private schools work since it's obvious you don't understand them. A public school has an lawful obligation to educate ANY child that walks through their door. An autistic child- YES, a serious violent behavior child- YES, a Mexican kid straight from crossing the boarder that speaks no English- YES, a blind kid- YES, a kid that doesn't do his homework ever and doesn't give 2 craps about anything- YES. Here's a good one to think about- How about the boy who last week watched his moms boyfriend beat his mother to death in the front seat of her car on the freeway off ramp? Oh yeah.. we have an obligation to give that child the best education we can provide. Now we have Charter and Private schools that can limit classroom size, can turn away ANY CHILD they think does not fit into their schools environment. Do you think they'll take the behavior problem kids? Heck no. You think they'll admit the severe autistic kid who's parents are going to insist he get what the state demands to give him the best educational environment possible? Of course not- they tell these parents their children's needs will be better served in a public school because we have more money and can do all the programs and therapy this kid needs to excel. It's hilarious and I see this probably once a year for the past decade. Mom gets bent that Jimmy is being picked on by teachers because he roughs up some kids on the playground and gets sent to the principals office.

I think more money would be great. I would use it to get things in my classroom that reignite these students desire to learn. [beeep] I sure try with the limited resources I have at hand. Coyote pelts donated by PM members. Skulls donated by PM members. These type of items make hands on learning moments that really make students sit up and pay attention to what is being taught.

What I would rather have is a better society. It's a progression and when the cycle is broken- you're end result is going to suffer. It's common sense.
Borderdog-YOUR post might be the most ignorant thing I'VE read in quite some time. You don't understand the issue here, nor the fact that this is not something presented to kids when they reach a certain age, etc. This is the insidious undermining of the very values parents teach at home-and it begins early and ends only when the kids graduate. It is there because most parents DO teach values and morals. The most sure way to change 'things' on the battleground of ideas is to start with the youth-something that has been understood since ancient times. Why do you think it was so common for women and CHILDREN to be slaughtered in history? The man fights you with his hands, the woman with her tongue by teaching, then the kids start the cycle all over again with the main difference being that they now know you and all your weaknesses. This is an old principle.

The reason your argument of 'what parents teach at home' doesn't hold up, is that the schoolteacher is an authoritative person in a child's life. Any kid knows that the teacher is an 'accepted' person to the parent, which puts them in a position of trust. When somebody is that close, they can say almost anything without a kid even blinking! In my case-it was me who brought this 'stuff' to my parents' attention only by ACCIDENT. I just happened to mention about some weird questions we doing in a certain class. These questions were exactly the same as the Lifeboat Game, all straight out of a book called 'Values Clarification'. http://www.amazon.com/Values-Clarification-Dr-Sidney-Simon/dp/0446670952

Don't bury your head in the sand! Put your money where your mouth is and go research the stuff presented in the first post. You might be in for a surprise.. I don't post my agreement here based on NOT knowing! I was THERE, DONE that, SEEN that, KNOW where it comes from!

I openly challenge you, on what I think is your limited knowledge, on the subject.

I have taught hundreds of students. I have taught well over a decade in public schools. You are 1 person who had 1 negative personal experience that in reality reflects a small fraction of the overall profession. I, on the other hand, have dealt with hundreds of parents and hundreds of students for years and years and years and I can tell you I see a visible decline in the the morals and values students come to school with. Society is comprised of many factors. Friends, family, school, the neighborhood, media and such. Which of these do you honestly think influences a kid more? Very few kids these days are more influenced by their teacher than what happens with their friends and family.

Example of what I am talking about? EASY. Carlos gets called a wetback by 2 other kids on the playground. Carlos unleashes a giant can of whoop [beeep] on those two boys then comes to me knowing he's in the doghouse. I try telling Carlos he made a poor decision and that if he had came to me and told me what those 2 boys had said I would have gotten those two boys in deep trouble. Carlos says unapologetically that his father has told him that when someone calls him a wetback he has been dishonored and its his right to beat a kid up. Now who is more influential?
In the article above this 'fact' made my wife and I laugh out loud.

# Compared with public school teachers, ........... architects, 11% less; psychologists, 9% less; chemists, 5% less; mechanical engineers, 6% less; and economists, 1% less.

I can't wait to tell all my engineer friends that I make 6% more than they do. They'll laugh so hard they'll wreck their Porsches!
I understand that some public schools are terrible (inner city, east coast/west coast) but dont paint every public school as evil. I would consider my beliefs to be conservative as one could get (paleoconservatism), and i went to a very small public school (grad. in a class of 42).

Oh and the pay thing is also based on location. When i graduate from college, my first job (coaching/teaching) will probably start at a salary of 30-40,000/year, thats not a fortune...but then again i'm not in it for the money, so i'm not terribly worried about it.
In the article above this 'fact' made my wife and I laugh out loud.

# Compared with public school teachers, ........... architects, 11% less; psychologists, 9% less; chemists, 5% less; mechanical engineers, 6% less; and economists, 1% less.

I can't wait to tell all my engineer friends that I make 6% more than they do. They'll laugh so hard they'll wreck their Porsches!

Your argument then is with the US Department of Labor Statistics, since that was the authors' source.

Here are the mechanical engineers earnings averages: Mechanical engineers Low $45,170 Medium $55,420 High $69,850 ( http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos027.htm ).

Also, mechanical engineers work summers. What kind of Porsches are they buying at these annual salaries, beat up old 1970s 914's with Bondo and primer all over them?

Don't forget, their degrees are also much tougher to obtain than those of teachers. No offense to you, it is just a fact of the marketplace.
HEY! JAYAFOUR! This is funny....... read up.

Your sources are 100% garbage. Pathetic!

I did some PI work on one of the authors of the article above. He's known as an educational reformer. 'Current educational system sucks, let's reform it' type of guys.

He pushes his own book called 'Education Myths'. It feeds into the MI theology.

Read up-

Jay P. Greene has an agenda: the end of public education. Individuals pay him to promote this agenda, those individuals operate at the Manhattan Institute. The Manhattan Institute does not believe in participatory democracy; it believes in rule by elites. In order to undermine democracy, the Manhattan Institute must undermine public education. It undermines public education by lying to the public via “scholars” like Greene.

Unlike real scholars, Greene’s work is not peer reviewed, and his “studies” are in fact “working papers” which allows him to circumvent peer review. A real journal, like Nature, would never publish a single piece by Greene.

Allow me to respond to a few of the “myths” forwarded by Greene and co. If you still want to read the book, borrow it from your library, or write me and you can have mine!

Myth 1) “Other countries score better than America on tests.” Fine, let’s select one of those countries, how about Belgium…What is Belgium’s poverty rate…4% (the CIA provides detailed economic information for most countries)…If America lowered it’s poverty rate by 8.7%, do you think test scores would go up? I do. Why? What would be different about our cities?

2) “Test scores have remained stagnant for years…”
LIE. When disagregated by race, every subgroup (including upper class whites) have seen their test scores improve…why? Since the early 70s, more and more minorities, immigrants, and disabled children have entered our public schools, and for a variety of reasons, they tend to score lower on most tests. As more, lower scoring groups have entered they drag the higher scores down so the overall score looks stagnant, when in fact, everyone has been making small gains. It’s called Simpson’s Paradox, and most individuals who have taken stats in a PhD program know about it. Also, and importantly, some people have to fail tests, otherwise they are meaningless…We can’t all be above average; this seems so obvious it pains me to have to point it out. Furthermore, if American schools could kick out the lower performing students at age 15 (like most European countries do), do you think our high school students would look better? Yes, but there’s that troublesome 14th ammendment to deal with…If American students spent 6-7 days a week in school memorizing math and science facts like Korean children do, would their scores go up? A little, but if scores had any corelation to economic success (which they don’t, see the World Economic Forum) wouldn’t Korea/Singapore be wiping the planet with us?

3) “Spending has doubled with no increase in performance.” Not really, see #2, but also consider this, American public schools accomodate all students, including students with disabilities, who can cost upwards of 50,000 per student, per year, to educate. Furthermore, thanks to individuals like Jay P. Greene, America spent 8 BILLION more on testing in 2004 than it did in 1994, despite the fact that most scholars have been screaming that testing does not raise scores. It’s like weighing a cow more often to fatten it up. Finally, thanks to the tireless efforts of lobbyists, American schools have spent BILLIONS since 1996 on technology that has never been linked to improved test scores. An idiot on a computer, is still an idiot.

4) “Charter schools outperform public schools.” Really? There is no conclusive evidence that charter schools outperform public schools, and according to the most recent NAEP report, charter students performed lower (though not significantly lower) than their peers in math… And charter schools can turn disabled students away. BUT WHO CARES ABOUT THE WEAK! What happens when charters close? In California, 2004, one company went under and displaced 60,000 students. Roughly 10,000 of the students wound up in charter schools run by another company that would fold two months later! The presidents/CEOs of those companies made a great deal of money, who lost more than money?

6) “Americans should put their faith in corporate America to save their children.” Yikes. Did you know that Wal-Mart stands to become the largest power in educational philanthropy/reform? Do you think Wal-Mart will treat America’s children better than it treats America’s workers? Are you willing to take a chance?

If our schools are so horrible, and 89% of Americans have gone to those schools for the past 50 years, why is America so great? Why do 2,000 illegal immigrants risk their lives everyday to enter this country? Why do an additional 800,000 a year come here legally? To punish their children?

There is nothing objective about this book; it is part of a larger plan to undermine participatory democracy, which neocons don’t believe in. They attack the schools because, GASP, they have done their job…Think there would be a black Secretary of State if blacks had been kept from decent education?

My first full year teaching contract was $24,000. All my lawyer friends were envious.

That's pretty good! An entry-level job straight out of school that only runs 9 months and has better than private sector benefits, not too shabby.

Your lawyer comparison is highly flawed: to practice law one must obrain a graduate degree, Juris doctor, and that takes three extra years at law school. Teachers can work with a BA and a masters in teaching is typically a one year program, so this isn't an apple-to-apples comparison.
Hyperwx, I'm not saying ALL teachers are socialists-it's not the case at all. However, many have become useful idiots not even knowing the intent or results behind the social junk they are required to teach. I would say that in general, teachers have good intentions and work hard. This is not an attack on the teaching profession! What's at issue here is WHAT'S BEING TAUGHT.

Go ahead with your challenge. Bring the points, I'll bring the dirt. I have so much crap available to me that even PM's server might bog.. I'll start with a scanned article written by my mom though. Look for that on Friday when I get back from hunting. It's a nice summation of the problem as it was years ago. Sadly much has changed now, and for the worse! You decide where it goes from there and go ahead and bring your NEA buddies with you!

The overall decline of morals is directly related to this stuff being taught in the schools. This didn't just start yesterday!! As I said, my experience started over 20 years ago, and it wasn't new THEN. All those screwed up kids went on to have kids of their own. They weren't completely without morals, just washed enough to accept a slide in principles, a little more tolerant of things than their parents. The whole 'I'm ok, you're ok' thing. That naturally leads to a little more leeway with how kids are raised and so on. Meanwhile, the screws keep turning on the current crop of kids who have a little less stringent standards at home, resulting in them raising kids with a little less and so on. That's the insidious part about this, it's cumulative over generations.

You sound pretty shrill to me on many of your posts...I hope that being a teacher you will have the maturity to actually FACE what we're talking about here. Whatever decision you make as a result is your own.
a masters in teaching is typically a one year program,

Shows how much you know. It's a 2 year program. Get your facts straight Slick.
# Compared with public school teachers, ........... architects, 11% less; psychologists, 9% less; chemists, 5% less; mechanical engineers, 6% less; and economists, 1% less.

Here are the mechanical engineers earnings averages: Mechanical engineers Low $45,170 Medium $55,420 High $69,850 ( http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos027.htm ).

Do you honestly think a 1st year school teacher makes 6% more than a 1st year mechanical engineer?

Oh boy.