Coon Hunting


New member
I saw a post sometime back about how to hunt raccoons and the calling style used. Where did I see this? Or, just repeat it. I have an e-caller,light, .22 cal; now how is it done? Thanks! Oh yes, one other thing, how do you prescout for coon? I have no idea what to look for .
js asks-
how do you prescout for coon?
Look for den trees. Large tree in a fence row, along a crick, corner of property, ect.
Thesehere den trees will have tons of Coon droppings at the base of tree.
Look at ole barns and ole buildings, rock piles, log piles, stump piles, bank dens, ect. Look for droppings and tracks.
Check out every drain tile for coon trails. This will tell you travel patterns/food patterns.
Learn as much as you can about Raccoon.
Daytime coon hunting is a blast. Follow as Hern has posted and get you a coon squallier, that's all you need. Its a big no-no in NC to hunt coons during the day , but it is a blast to call one out of a tree. They come out mad as all get out and ready to fight. Sometimes you have to clam self defense.

If you have trouble finding dens, just sit still and call. Then watch the trees for movement.

Good luck.
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