Wondering if rusty

Originally Posted By: wickaWas wondering if rustydust is still active and shooting varmints, Miss reading about his adventures.

I'm still here! I just don't get on to PM as much as I used to. It used to be WAY more active than it is now.
RD was raised by an old Indian Medicine Man that taught him the ways of the old people and how to shape shift. I think he still wears a pair of moccasins that allows Russ to be here there everywhere without anyone ever seeing or hearing a thing. His Indian name is "the Glimmer man". He's so stealthy all you ever see of him is a faint glimmer.

SilverFox aka LeRoy Benson is another member we all enjoyed and miss that hasn't been around for some time on any of the forums he used to frequent. I know LeRoy was getting up there in age so I hope he's still with us but haven't seen him around in a few years now.
Rusty is a good dude we have talked on the phone for hours. This forum and all others are really slow these days. Everyone is just on FB groups instead. Accurate shooter is still pretty active and the fun part over there is sometimes famous world champion shooters and gunsmiths post and reply to is ordinary hobby shooters.
YEARS ago I missed out buying a tiger number one 243 from Rustydust. Still haunts me.
There's 2 little gun shops in a smaller sized city south of where I live. Back in my younger days I remember seeing a Ruger #1 in .204 at one of the shops. I really had no idea what I was looking at at the time. Oddly enough there was one used at the other place in .223 for sale when I was browsing over there. Man, if I could go back in time, I'd own both of those rifles right now. Those still haunt me as well......