Shockwave Benefit over Fusion


New member
I have a well used FoxPro Fusion and am debating purchasing a new Shockwave caller. I'm wondering if the upgrade is worth it from the people who have used both?

My Fusion is old enough that when Foxbang came out I sent it back to Foxpro to have it added so I'd say 10+ yrs old easy enough
If the remote range satisfies you on the fusion, save your $. I have spent tooo much $ buying upgrades and IMO don't think I needed to after going from the fx3 to the fury 2.
I like having two speakers that I can point in different directions. In big open country it helps to get the sound spread out. So I either use my X-Wave or a CS-24 with a external speaker.

I have always used more than one speaker even when I got my first FX5. In the long run if you are using two speakers pointed in two different directions more animals will hear your sounds.
I hunt different country(tighter/heavier cover) than Bob and usually alone. I like the directionalist of a single speaker and find most of my predators come from the direction the speaker is facing, I don't know if it is actually the speaker or experience in knowing where they might be coming from. Anything heavier than the CS-24 and it gets left in the truck, Sure wished they still made the Minaska M-1 Bandit, I have one working one left. The FP Scorpion worked but hated the remote.