Sage grouse 2023


New member
September first, through the 30th.
We can shoot 2 a day.
I THINK the position limit is 3X daily limits.
They're great fun and I have to think the spring should have been a good hatch.
Not so much good eating but a fun hunt.
You are fortunate to live in a state with such great upland bird hunting. Good luck with your hunts, pictures are always welcome!
We ended up in the little belts hunting at 8000 feet.
We saw two and got one. not may birds but cool country.
And I mean cool, 34* when we started hunting.



About eating sage grouse. I've never even hunted them, I also heard they weren't worth eating. But, read a story about a guy hunting them and he claimed that the thing wrong with them is people over cook them! If we had enough of them in Oregon to actually make hunting them worth while, I'd give it a shot just to find out.
Can only shoot one sage grouse total here if you are even lucky enough to draw a tag.

Those pictures do not look like sage grouse country. As stated, more like Blue and Ruffed grouse country.
The young sage grouse are not bad at all to eat, the ol bombers can be a bit "sagey" and tough but do a little seasoning and tenerizing, they aint too bad. Blue grouse there is some fine eating...get some clean em up, little butter salt and pepper fry to med rarish..mouth watering...