Question for call makers


Active member
I have front partial plate and cannot operate a diaphragm call. My question is, can anyone make a howler in a closed reed that will sound good, considering my condition?
Not much bite required. Just light pressure. With enough practice you could probably get away with just lip pressure. Don't count it out until you give it an honest go.
There use to be an enclosed reed howler produced. But you were very limited to what howls you could make without removing the part that enclosed the Reed.
Might also look into one of the latex band hollers like foxpro Mr mouthy
Or the ELK.
Thanks to you both, no one around my area uses hand calls anymore so no local help. I'll look at both howlers you mentioned. I'll keep a stiff upper lip!!
Hunter specialties made an elk call that utilized a false tongue that was operated with your finger while blowing into the mouth piece. Not sure if you could howl with it but im sure @BAMIT would be able to answer that.
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It will do anything, any sound you can make with a diaphragm without putting a diaphragm in your mouth, JR Keller and myself designed this call.
I would second the power howler. And yes open reed howlers can be played with just lips, you loose a little crispness and control but with practice it's very doable.