Night Spot and Stalk


New member
Is anyone doing much nighttime spot and stalk? I’m starting to get some call shy coyotes in spots where they frequently are present.

I’m looking for tips and tricks from those that have done it. Obviously, a windy evening with the wind in my face will be a HUGE factor.
We have contracted some acreage out for pine straw removal in some of our small planted pines. They just finished and it’s real clear in there now. I’ll park the truck and walk the roads between the pines when the wind is right and have taken a few coyotes that way.
I’ll walk and scan what few open fields we have, but if there’s deer on them, there ain’t no coyotes. I can scan those from a distance and never have to bump the deer. If the field is void of deer, then something is out there. Shot a few that way as well.
I’ve also shot a few from the truck while riding higher ground and scanning. At night I’ve mouth squeaked coyotes to within 50 yards of a running truck. During the day they’d be running from 300yds away at any sight of a vehicle, lol.
The trick is having the right wind to do it and knowing the property. Still prefer calling them in though!
When conditions are right I do it a lot. Damp but not frozen ground, as dark as possible with manageable wind. Biggest problem is trying to predict where ther going if they are moving.
When conditions are right I do it a lot. Damp but not frozen ground, as dark as possible with manageable wind. Biggest problem is trying to predict where ther going if they are moving.
One spot in particular down the road, it’s routinely 3-6 coyotes in a small pasture with cattle. In this instance, it’d be a chip shot for me. So far though, I’ve only been calling one here and there and picking them off rather than moving in and blasting the place up. I think as the calling gets difficult, sneaking into the pasture will be my next move
I tried one night, 2 were curled up sleeping on the downwind side of a pine tree belt. They were 300 yards away from the blind I was in. Tried calling, as I didn't know if it was a couple deer or coyote. No movement at all calling. So I setup the tripod for a standing shoot and slowly started walking into the wind towards them. About halfway I realized the cloud cover had cleared out and I could see my shadow in the moonlight. I couldn't quite make out head details so I I kept moving closer, about 30' at a time and than look through the scope. I was about to a hopeful shooting distance when they both suddenly got up and disappeared into the big pines. It was crunchy frozen hay ground, which didn't help me.