Nice boar the other night


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Got this guy and several other good pigs on an 800 yard stalk the other night.

This batch of pigs is really spooky from having shots thrown at it by everyone in the county with a thermal. To get up on them takes good planning and quite a bit of effort. It paid off though!

He was probably around 225 or maybe a bit better, we did not weigh him. For size reference on the teeth that is an 18650 battery, not AA.
You can see why the pigs are out there, look at all the peanuts on the ground. Those are the small immature peanuts and stems/leaves the combine spits out after taking the good stuff. Normally the farmers come back in and bale all that up into peanut hay. In this case it got too dry and they could not bale it. So this field is going to be a pig magnet all winter long. It is much better to bale afterwards if you can. First off you get really good hay out of it. Second, you aren't attracting pigs all winter long and giving them a home until spring planting time.

All the trash on the ground makes stalking harder too. It is ;loud walking in that stuff. Not too bad if it is windy, noisy and dark outside. Not good at all on a nice still night when sound carries and the moon is bright.