Gas block issue??


New build, I have never had an issue with a gas block not charging the bolt. I’ve adjusted a dozen times and can only get it to extract the spent casing but not catch the next one .
Any suggestions?
Your mixing separate operating systems. New build, follow the safety and operating checks for the lower. Then test fire(single shot off the mag with the bolt release) checking mag catch and ejection angle.
Start with FACTORY ammo. Gas should lock back on empty mag. Mag can be a problem, try another. Check the spring length/buffer weight/full travel manually. Check BCG to tube fit/leakage. Check GB alignment. If good, next larger drill size for the barrel port. Stick a dowel in the bore down to the port. Turn drill SLOW.
'New build, follow the safety and operating checks for the lower.' Yup but nothing to do with cycling.
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Start with FACTORY ammo. Gas should lock back on empty mag. Mag can be a problem, try another. Check the spring length/buffer weight/full travel manually. Check BCG to tube fit/leakage. Check GB alignment. If good, next larger drill size for the barrel port. Stick a dowel in the bore down to the port. Turn drill SLOW.
'New build, follow the safety and operating checks for the lower.' Yup but nothing to do with cycling.
Gas key is tight and staked, gas port in barrel is the correct size, gas block is adjusted properly, pretty sure it’s the magazine…
GK had same problem with PSA 308. We changed everything (diff mags, changed BCG/lower/etc., never got it to work. Sold him my LR 308 that does work.
'gas port in barrel is the correct size' yes, last resort but it's not a 'standard' so how do you know? I had to open port up on a 10 pistol gas - yup, standard size just didn't work. Make sure on a new build you run the upper really WET!