convergent hunting app question?


New member
im a little behind the curve here on whats all going on . i just found out about E-calls for hogs. i saw some videos on YouTube but cannot find a definitive answer.
The video i saw a guy used the convergent hunting app + his own bluetooth speaker not the bullet and purchased some of glenns calls i want to say i read somewhere around 2021 i assume (guess) and byron from convergent had a fall out not 100% on that just going off the post ive read . And i saw on the reviews section for the app convergnet hunting has locked out the ability to use your own bluetooth is that correct ? i saw another person post you have to buy the app +25$ calls + 25$ to unlock the app(which i would be fine with if so) for universal bluetooth use or has that option been entirely taken away at this point?.
Also ive noticed within the last few weeks the convergent hunting website is completely down.
should i just stay away from this all together is there any other way to purchase Glenns calls?
got it figured out for all those looking . you buy the app + glenns calls + unlock the app for 24.99 . total 31$ to be able to use the wild hog pro app!. not bad thinking ill prolly get the icotec rascal bluetooth call which has a 100 yard bluetooth range the call is unlocked for whatever apps or calls you want to use !. about 116$ total for both not bad at all vs the 250$ bullet . or i may just use 1 of my bluetooth speakers to try before well see