02/21 coyote tonight


Well-known member
We killed this female tonight. I saw her when we walked into the field. We tucked in under the shadows on the fence row and I lip squeaked to her. She heard me and came in a little closer, about 125 yds, and stopped. We double tapped her. I saw the impact and she went down but got up and ran back through the cows and over the knoll out of sight. We found her laying dead in the field about 175 yds from where we shot her. She was running dead, both bullets hit her in her heart.
I also killed female 2/21 daytime which is unusual, I mainly hunt at night with shotgun thats all I can use here in NJ. I have cameras set up around an old barn around 10 am got some pics of coyotes lurking around so I took my ranch rifle and call and set up, 45 minutes later she showed up and this is the result.
Nice going Mike! We don't seem to be able to buy one here for the time being and with night-time darkness getting later daily won't make it any easier.
Nice going Mike! We don't seem to be able to buy one here for the time being and with night-time darkness getting later daily won't make it any easier.
Dark coming later and the moon is really shutting me down here too. I have not hunted since we killed this one and don't plan to until mid week, if then. I'm about to wind it up for this season. Maybe a few more nights but my buddy has to be at work early so by the time it gets dark and our normal 9-930 quitting time we don't get but a couple-3 stands in.
We were on a roll, then we sent stale quick. I’ve read a bunch of archived stuff that says the moon doesn’t have an effect, but I can tell you from a trapping standpoint it does for me. I don’t catch a lot of coyotes on a full moon or bright nights.
Heck, we weren’t even seeing any prey in the thermals. Normally there’s rats and rabbits in the fields, the few nights we tried it, nothing. I told my son if the initial scan doesn’t see prey we might as well call it, lol.
The moon is rising later this week, so I’ll have some “dark” time between sunset and moonrise. I plan to give it a try once or twice.